bukowski, Cold, depression, drinks, friends, Hemingway., love, movies, music, mystery, noir, poet, poetry, writing, poetry.., Scotland, women, writer., writers

The Poetry Reading

Yeah I wrote this when
this poem is about

Inside I recoil with horror
at hearing those words
before the performance
just read the poem
and let the listener
decide what it means
to them.

the venue is full
same faces unknown to me,
The first act of the night stands up
and says
‘yeah, so I wrote this poem’
so does the second and the forth
and the final sixth

It’s tweed or nothing in here
Skinny jeans with turn ups
or just skinny jeans

and they all have beards
trimmed beards
with short shaved hair
at the back and sides

so does the man in the audience next to me,and two up from me
and in the front row

the fuckers are everywhere

I thank God for my Mel Gibson
Lethal Weapon 4
leather jacket
and my razor.

I wasn’t asked to read.
